Thursday, January 04, 2007

I will sell this house today

Today is the swearing in ceremonies for all the incoming and re-elected Senators. Me, the lowly peon in the office, is nervous as hell. The number of dignitaries, not to mention the incoming chairwoman and all of my new bosses will be in the office for the first time and have 'informed' (read: warned and scared the shit out of) my co-worker and I to be on our best behaviour. Its truly ridiculous, all this pomp and circumstance, and probably more ridiculous that I'm actually concerned that if there was any day where I could lose my job if everything doesn't go perfectly, today is the day. My co-worker even brought in a lint roller to ensure out suits stay fresh. On the plus side, one of the receptions down the hall is being catered by Legal Seafood so hopefully I can score some tasty food.

I am definitely going to need a beer after work today.

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