Friday, February 09, 2007

Sufjan Stevens

That's right. I got tickets. My roommate and I woke up at 5:15am, hopped on the second bus of the morning and waited in line until 9:30 only to be told that we weren't getting tickets. We were roughly 100 people away from getting tickets. Close, but yet so far.

But wait, Meo, didn't you say you got tickets?

YES. That night my roommate went out with one of her friends. While out, she met a guy. As a course of their conversation she mentioned our earlier ticket-fiasco. The guy mentions he might be able to get a hold of extras. My lovely roommate gives him her number, figuring this is never going to work out. Way too random--he would never call.

BUT HE DOES. And we get tickets. 10 rows away from the stage. The concert was amazing and might be my best memory of a concert yet. In addition to the fabulous music, there were chocolate fountains, candy and free champagne because Target was sponsoring the event (I know, I know I shouldn't love it as much as I did...but free cake and Swedish fish? Come on).

As a good sidenote, the guy and his friends seemed cool. So I might have some new friends out of the whole deal :-). Although I feel like that could be taking a good thing a little too far.

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