Thursday, December 21, 2006

I used to do this, now I'm giving it another shot

Last night I was on the phone with a friend of mine who had just finished surgery. I was walking down the street, trying to find a place that sold wine on H street at 9 pm when a SUV stopped next to me. The guy in it leaned out the window, looked at me, and made a motion with his fingers that was a combination between the asking-for-a-cigarette motion and the give-me-money motion. After staring at him blankly, I just shook my head.

This is something I've noticed on H Street--people having no fear of talking to you, asking you for anything. On the one hand its refreshing considering how closed-mouthed I've found people in bars in DC, on the other hand its a little terrifying. Like the guy in the liquor store who chased out the toothless man who started a chat with my roommate and I with, 'Hey, I just wanna ask you ladies a question...'

Contrasting this is that I live right by Galluadet, so there is a large deaf population around my house. To my surprise, my neighbors are very loud. They get in fights, signing furiously at each other and yelling, at 3 am.

Hilarious. And so random.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


And here I thought "Hey, I just wanna ask you ladies a question" was a foolproof liquor store pickup line. Back to the drawing board...