Thursday, May 03, 2007

I've decided I'm not working today

Oh yes, I'm at work. But I'm more or less taking the day off and just sitting at my desk. It's been a busy week and I'm boycotting it today. Besides, it will leave with me enough to do tomorrow to hopefully make Friday fly by.

It's been, oh my!! over two weeks since I posted. Sorry about that.

Funny things:

  • I saw a bum peeing in an alleyway. When he saw me, he said, 'I's sorry, I just had to go!'
  • I was walking down the street carrying a Scrabble board and a guy yelled at me, "Scrabble?? I can't even SPELL!"
Other things:
  • I'm taking up tennis again.
  • I've become addicted to Naked smoothies (very similar to Innocent smoothies in the UK) which is a slight problem because they're a bit expensive
  • I've stopped reading political things and started reading a lot about fashion


fluttertongue said...

Fashion smashion: get yourself back to politics! You've got the new French President, Tony Blair leaving, and a whole lot of war crimes going on. And you never know, you might be the one to sort it all out...

fluttertongue said...

I tagged you! You have to write eight things about yourself and then find eight people to tag. Tell us do! x