Wednesday, March 07, 2007

New underwear=personality changes?

Soooo back by demand, I'm posting. It's been insanely busy in the KatWorld so the moments where I get free time I'm spending it shopping or hanging out with flavor-of-the-month (who--wait a second--has actually been around for a while month as of yesterday!).

The shopping is getting out of control. This happens when I'm bored and don't have the motivation to do something constructive. Note to those who knew me in England: this didn't happen nearly the ENTIRE TIME I was there. However, 6 months back in the U.S., I'm back into this nasty habit. In the past three weeks I've bought:

1) 3 rugs
2) a coffee table
3) a chair
4) a new button-down
5) 7 new pairs of underwear
6) 1 bra
7) 2 new pilates DVDs
8) a new cookbook

In my defense, the chair and coffee table were presents for my birthday, the rug I'd been eying up for months and it FINALLY went on sale, my pilates DVD got scratched, and I only have those shitty Country Cookbooks my mom gave me when I moved. The underwear--while on the surface looks excessive--is in the face of:

1) new boy
2) new anti-thong/G-string resolution
3) anything I have that isn't a thong/G-string is over a year old

Why buy the non-sexy underwear when I have a new boy, you ask? It's part of my new resolution. As I reported a few weeks ago, I've decided not to speak to my ex anymore. It was a painful conversation, but I did make the break and I'm very proud of myself. Underwear enters this equation because anything I bought for myself over the past two years was with him in mind--I've never been much of a practical lingerie type of gal. So now I've decided to buy only underwear I like that hugs my butt ever-so-nicely. Because I like butt-hugging. I'm over the butt-cracking phase. While I don't really care if the new boy likes this change or not, it was encouraging to hear him say while he doesn't DISLIKE fancy lingerie, he's more of a girl-in-my-old-T-shirt-is-sexy kinda guy.

Yayayay. So that's the personal end. I'll post the professional later. Stupid work.


fluttertongue said...

I am so glad you've decided to go for comfy underwear. It says a lot about the state of society that women have to put up with butt crack irritation while men can reveal theirs quite fashionably. It troubles me that I can't think of the last time I bought underwear. I fear it may have been before university... And for those times you get the urge to be nice to your new beau check out lacy french knickers - comfortable AND pretty.
When I come to the US I'm going to start a one woman campaign to introduce charity shops on the big scale. New cheap clothes are the scourge of the earth but second hand clothes of quality that can be bought without spending a penny - rather, donating - are where it's at.

Anonymous said...

Boyshorts are the way forward. I just wish someone would tell Britney...

Meokat said...

We DO have charity shops here, and I see them in many places I've been--but DC seems to be sorely lacking in any!!!

Besides, buying used underwear is, uh, GROSS

And yes, Rowan, boyshorts ARE the wave of the future :-D